Preparing for a Year-End Inventory Count
Even though The Inventory Specialists makes every effort to make physical inventory day easy for our clients, there are many who seem to dread it. Here are some tips to make your inventory as uncomplicated as possible for your managers and staff—and for our inventory crews.
Inventory preparation – There is a lot you can do ahead of time to prepare for the big day. Inventory areas should be clean and organized. Physically segregate any inventory that should not be included as part of the physical inventory process, and label as such.
Inventory instructions – Be sure that we have been given clear instructions for the physical inventory count, including the kinds of reports you want delivered and any inventory that you do not want counted.
Inventory movement – Inventory movement should be kept to a minimum or, better yet, halted during the physical inventory. One of the advantages of having Superior Inventory Service provide your physical inventory count is that we can work with you to schedule your inventory during a time when you are closed or during non-peak times. Inventory movement can lead to difficulty reconciling physical inventory counts with the inventory management system.
Damaged/Obsolete inventory – Damaged or obsolete inventory should be segregated, if possible, before the physical inventory.
For more help in preparing for a physical inventory audit by The Inventory Specialists, give us a call. We have more than 40 years of experience to draw upon to make your next inventory the most painless, and most accurate ever.